Saturday, October 20, 2012

DAVP Rules & Regulation

DAVP Rules & Regulation...


The Directorate of Advertising & Visual Publicity (DAVP) is the nodal agency of the Government of India for advertising by various Ministries and organizations of Government of India including public sector undertakings and autonomous bodies. The primary objective of the Government in advertising is to secure the widest possible coverage of the intended content or message through newspapers and journals of current affairs as well as Science Art, Literature, Sports, Films, Cultural Affairs etc. In releasing advertisements to newspapers /journals the DAVP does not take into account the political affiliation or editorial policies of newspapers/journals. However, DAVP would avoid releasing advertisements to newspapers /journals, which incite or tend to incite communal passion, preach violence, offend the sovereignty and integrity of India or socially accepted norms of public decency and behavior.

In supercession of all earlier orders, the Government hereby lays down the New Advertisement policy with effect from 2nd October,2007.

NOTE : House Journals, Souvenirs and Annual Periodicals, will not be empanelled.

Fresh applications for empanelment may be made twice a year i.e. once at the end of February and other by the end of August. 

The Applications made before February end will be considered in month of May of the same year and their contract will start w.e.f. 1 July of the same year and applications made before August end will be considered in November and their contract will start w.e.f 1st January of the next year. 

The details of documents required for empanelment with DAVP is in ANNEXURE

1. RNI Registration Certificate.

2. Evidence for Circulation 
(Chartered Accountant Certificate/Cost Accountant Certificate/Statutory Auditor Certificate/ABC Certificate, as applicable).

3. Copy of the annual return submitted to RNI with receiving proof.

4. A daily newspaper should furnish issues of first one month along with issues of the 9th month and 17th month of their publication.

5. Weeklies & Fortnightlies must furnish issues of preceding six months and monthlies should furnish latest 12 months issues.

5. Three copies of the commercial rate card.

6. Photocopy of the Permanent Account Number (issued by Department of Income Tax)


A newspaper/journal should have the following minimum print area:


Dailies 1520 Std.Col.Cms./7600 Sq. Cms. 

Weeklies/ 700 Std.Col.Cms./3500 Sq.Cms. 

Fortnightlies & Monthlies 960 Std. Col. Cms./ 4800 Sq.Cms.

Government advertisements are not intended to be financial assistance to newspapers/journals. DAVP maintains a list of newspapers/journals approved for release of advertisements by empanelling acceptable newspapers/journals. DAVP will empanel only such newspapers/journals as are required for issuing advertisements of the Government of India. Care is taken to empanel newspapers/journals having readership from different sections of the society in different parts of the country.

All Central Govt. Ministries/ Departments/ Attached & Subordinate Offices/ Field Offices shall route their advertisements, including display advertisements,through DAVP. However, they may issue tender notices directly to empanelled newspapers only at DAVP rates. PSUs, Autonomous Bodies & Societies of Govt. of India may issue all advertisements, directly at DAVP rates to empanelled newspapers, provided all classified and display advertisements

Panel Advisory Committee
There shall be a Panel Advisory Committee (PAC) for considering applications of newspapers/journals for being empanelled for receiving Government advertisements. This Committee shall be headed by Director General, DAVP and shall include Addl. Director General (Media & Communication)/Deputy Director General (Media & Communication) in the Press Information Bureau (PIB), Press Registrar/Deputy Press Registrar and Director/Deputy Secretary/ Under Secretary in the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting dealing with Print Media. The Committee will also have one representative each from the Association of big, medium and small newspapers.The recommendations of the PAC as accepted by the DG, DAVP regarding empanelment of a newspaper shall be final.

Newspapers/journals are classified into three categories, namely

i) Small, with a circulation of up to 25,000 copies per publishing day.

ii) Medium, between 25,001 and 75,000 copies per publishing day, and

iii) Big, with a circulation of above 75,000 copies per publishing day.

All newspapers/ journals seeking empanelment should comply with following:

1. It must have been uninterruptedly and regularly under publication for a period of not less than 36 months save as under:

(a) To provide special encouragement for newspapers in languages like Bodo, Garhwali, Dogri, Kashmiri, Khasi, Konkani, Maithili, Manipuri, Mizo, Nepali, Rajasthani, Sanskrit, Santhali, Sindhi, Urdu and tribal languages/dialects as certified by State Government OR newspapers published in J&K, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and North Eastern States can be considered for empanelment after 6 months of regular and uninterrupted publication. In the case of all regional and other language small & medium newspapers, the qualifying period shall be 18 months.

(b) In order to tap the readership potential of mass circulated newspapers, with a circulation of one lakh and above, such newspapers be made eligible for empanelment after a period of 1 year of regular and uninterrupted publication. The circulation claim of such newspapers will be considered only if certified by RNI or ABC.

2. It should comply with the provisions of the Press & Registration of Books Act, 1867.

3. It should not have been disqualified by DAVP in the last six years and should not be a defaulter of DAVP.

4. The period of disqualification should not exceed six years.

5. It should not have been Unestablished by RNI at the time of applying.

6. The applicant should also furnish a copy of the Certificate of Registration issued by the RNI in the name of the publisher.

7. The details of the paper like size, language, periodicity, print area and details of printing press etc. as asked for in empanelment form may be given.

8. Further, it must be substantiated that the paper is being published at a reasonable standard.
Reasonable standard, inter alia, means that

(a) The Print matter and photographs should be legible, neat, clear and without smudges, overwriting, and tampering.

(b) There should be no repetition of news items or articles from other issues.

(c) There should be no reproduction of news items or articles from other newspaper/journals and the source of news/articles should be mentioned.

(d) Masthead on its front page should carry the title of the newspaper, place, date and day of publication; it should also carry RNI Registration Number, volume & issue number, number of pages and price of newspaper/journals;

(e) The newspaper should carry imprint line as required under PRB Act; and

(f) Inner pages must carry page number, title of the paper and date of publication. For multi- editions place of publication must be mentioned in inner pages also.

(g) All the publications must carry editorial.

NOTE: The publisher must ensure that his/her publication fulfils all the norms laid down in the Policy before applying for empanelment/ rate renewal. The application form must be complete in all respects with supporting documents. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Rate Contract
All empanelled newspapers/ publications will be asked to enter into a rate contract, which will be valid for a period of 3 years. However, a change in circulation can be accepted only once, after completion of one year from the date of rate contract, during the validity period of the rate contract, on the basis of CA/RNI/ABC certificates, as applicable, duly supported with the proof of submission of Annual Return for the previous year to RNI. However, in case of information regarding decrease in circulation from ABC/RNI, the decision of DG,DAVP will be final.

NOTE 1: Application for renewal of rate Contract can be downloaded from DAVP website.

NOTE 2: All empanelled publications must submit a copy of annual return submitted to RNI with receiving proof from RNI for the previous year , by 30th Septmeber every year ,failing which the newspaper can be deempanelled by DG,DAVP.

The applicant should have published the newspaper on at least 25 days in each month during preceding 12 months. Weeklies should have published 46 issues during the preceding year, fortnightlies 23 issues and monthlies 11 issues during the preceding year to be considered being brought out regularly.

For all detail see government official website : 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Newspapers given 31st May as deadline to file Annual Statements by RNI

After the financial year ends companies are engaged in issuing their annual statements as per the government order. This year, by May end we’ll see another round of financial statements being released. Registrar of Newspapers of India (RNI) in its latest order has made it mandatory for all the newspapers & periodicals to file their annual statements.

The order comes as the authority is undertaking a comprehensive exercise to modernize and streamline its functioning. It feels that filing of annual statements would help the government to assess the growth of the press in India.

The filing of annual statement is a compulsory task for all, according to the Press & Registration of Books Act, 1867.

The newspapers, who fail to file their statements by 31st May, will be deleted from the records of RNI as the authority would presume that the publication has been ceased. Also according to the rule book, failure to file the statement and false statements are punishable offences.

The total number of registered newspapers, as on 31st March, 2006 was 62,483. As of now 70,000 titles are registered with RNI. Of these, only 700 publishers file annual statements regularly. That accounts to be just the 10% of the total.

After the release of this order it would be observed how many newspaper organizations, considered to be the watchdogs of the society, mange to follow the code prescribed.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

How to start a newspaper?

How to start a newspaper?

1. The first step to start a newspaper is to get the title (name of the proposed newspaper) verified from RNI.

2. For this the publisher has to make an application for title verification indicating the name, language, periodicity, owner name and place of publication of the newspaper proposed, and submit it to the District Magistrate concerned.

3. The District Magistrate after ensuring the credentials of the applicant, will forward the application to the RNI, who in turn checks the availability of the title and if found verifies it. RNI informs the DM and publisher, the availability of the title by issuing a letter of title verification.

4. After this, the publisher has to file a declaration with the District Magistrate in the prescribed format available and can start publishing the newspaper.

5. The first issue of the newspaper should be printed within 45 days from the date of authentication of the declaration if it is a daily or weekly and in case of other periodicals, within 90 days.

6. The application for registration can be submitted to the RNI along with an attested copy of the declaration, copy of title verification, first issue of the newspaper and a ‘No Foreign Tie up’ affidavit duly attested by a Notary.

7. The newspaper should contain volume number, issue number, title prominently displayed on the cover page and all pages, date line and page number on all pages and an imprint line containing the name of printer, publisher, owner and editor, address of the place of publication and name and address of the printing press.

8. If the printer and publisher are different persons, separate declarations are required.

What are the formalities required after registration?

A copy of the newspaper should be delivered to the RNI whenever it is printed. The first issue after the last day of February should contain the Form No.IV duly filled in (Statement regarding ownership and other particulars of the newspaper). It is also mandatory to submit an annual statement in form II , on or before the last day of May every year. In case of daily newspapers, an additional form AR-R may also be submitted.

When to file fresh declaration?

Whenever there is a change of publisher, printer, owners, periodicity and printing press, the publisher/printer has to make a fresh declaration

RNI & Rules

The Registrar of Newspapers for India, The office of the Registrar of Newspapers for India, popularly known as RNI came into being on 1 July 1956, on the recommendation of the First Press Commission in 1953 and by amending the Press and Registration of Books Act 1867. The Office of the Registrar of Newspapers is responsible for implementation of the Press and Registration of Books Act. The Registrar of Newspapers for India has its Headquarters at New Delhi. The Regional offices of RNI are at Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai.

Following are the services provided by RNI: -
Title clearance: The title cell verifies and approves titles for new publication in the country. The applications are received from the Magistrates all over the country under section 6 of the Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867. These are examined with reference to a database of titles maintained in the office computer record. Titles are finally approved at the level of Press Registrar.

Registration of Newspapers: Once the Registrar of Newspapers for India verifies the title, on the basis of an authenticated application by Magistrate, the Publisher must apply for registration within a period of two years.

The following documents are required for registration:-
a) Copy of the Title Verification Letter.
b) Attested copy of the Declaration duly authenticated by the
District Magistrate/Additional District Magistrate etc.
c) Affidavit for No Foreign Tie-up duly notarized.
d) Copy of first issue of the publication brought out within 42 days in case of dailies and weeklies and 90 days for fortnightly and above.
e) Copy of the latest issue of the publication.
In case the applicant does not apply for registration within the stipulated period of two years, the title is deblocked and available to any other applicant.

Revised Registration Certificate:
The publisher must apply for the Revised Certificate of Registration in case of change of Publisher, Printer, Printing Press, Place of Publication and Periodicity. He/She is required to submit the following documents on the basis of which Revised Registration is issued: -

a) Original Certificate of Registration issued by the Office of the Registrar of Newspapers for India and in case it is lost, he/she is required to submit the affidavit for loss of certificate duly notarized along with the IPO of Rs.5/-.
b) Attested copy of the latest declaration duly authenticat by District Magistrate/Addl. District Magistrate concerned. (Prescribed format is available on the website
c) Affidavit for No Foreign Tie-up duly notarized.
d) Latest issue of the publication.
e) In case of change of Editor or price, the declaration is not required. The publisher can intimate these changes in writing. The changes will be entered in the Registrar of Newspapers records.
f) In case of change of ownership, the previous owner of the publication has to file an affidavit for transfer of ownership duly certified by the concerned First Class Magistrate concerned and the latest declaration filed by the present publisher/printer of the publication.

For more Detail please click at -

Thursday, September 30, 2010

मुद्रणालय व पुस्तके अधिनियम

मुद्रणालय व पुस्तके अधिनियम 1867 (1960 पर्यंत सुधारल्याप्रमाणे) तसेच मुद्रणालय व पुस्तके अधिनियम, 1948 व 1951 (मुंबई सुधारणा) आणि मुंबई मुद्रणालय व पुस्तक नोंदणी नियम 1923 (20 जून 1967 पर्यंत सुधारल्याप्रमाणे) 

यातील काही महत्त्वाच्या तरतुदीःः.
1) कलम 3- कलम 12 दंडनीय : प्रिंट लाईन
2) कलम 4 - राज्य नियम 3, कलम 13 दंडनीय : प्रतिज्ञापत्र दाखल करणे
3) कलम 5 राज्य नियम 2 अ.ब.क.: प्रतिज्ञापत्र व प्रकाशनाची तारीख कालावधी बद्दल
4) कलम 6 : प्रतिज्ञापत्र वृत्तपत्र निबंधक यांच्या अनुमतीने
5) कलम 8 - 15 अ दंडनीय : प्रकाशन स्थगित प्रतिज्ञापत्र
6) कलम 9अ आणि ब (1) रा.नि. 5 : दोन प्रती पुरविणे आवश्यक
7) कलम 18 रा.नि. 5 (3) व 9 : प्रकाशनाचे आवश्यक तपशिल
8) कलम 11अ - रा.नि. 4, 16 अ दंडनिय : प्रती 48 तासांच्या आत 2 प्रती, प्रत्येक दोषाबद्दल दंड
9) कलम 11 ब - कलम 16 ब दंडनीय :
10) कलम 7 व 8 : तिमाही विवरण
11) रा.नि. 9 ब, 9 क व 9 प आणि 25 : दर 2 वर्षांनी यादीवर असणाऱ्या प्रत्येक प्रकाशनाची फेरतपासणी / फेरपडताळणी

शासनाच्या जाहिरात यादीवर नव्याने तसेच दरवाढ / श्रेणीवाढ मिळण्यासाठी शासन निर्णय

महाराष्ट्र शासनाच्या जीआरमध्ये शासनाच्या जाहिरात यादीवर नव्याने तसेच दरवाढ / श्रेणीवाढ मिळण्यासाठी शासन निर्णय, सा.प्र.वि.क".पीयुबी 1000/ प्र. क". 73/2000/34, दि. 1 मे 2001 अन्वये त्यातील ठरविलेल्या निकषांप्रमाणे पडताळणी होणे आवश्यक आहे. 

शासनमान्य यादीवरील सर्व प्रकाशनांची फेरपडताळणी/ फेरतपासणी दर 2 वर्षांनी करावी असेही या 1 मे 2001 च्या शासन निर्णयात जोडपत्र - अ मधील नियमावलीत 9ब, 9क व 25 मध्ये नमूद केलेले आहे. तसेच 9क व 9 प नियमाप्रमाणे अनियमित असलेल्या प्रकाशनांवर कारवाई करून अशा वृत्तपत्रांना जाहिरातींच्या शासनमान्य यादीतून वगळण्यात / बाद करण्यात यावे असा नियम आहे. यापूर्वी कागदावर लेखी व्यवहार केले जात असत. त्यामुळे रेकॉर्ड तपासणे शक्य होत नसे. मात्र आता संगणकीय वापरामुळे सर्व काही सोपे झाले आहे. माहितीच्या अधिकारान्वये सर्व माहिती उजेडात येत आहे.  

मी स्वत: याप्रकरणी अनेक त्रूटी शासनाच्या निदर्शनास आणल्या आहेत. त्यामुळे आता शासन निर्णयातील या नियमानुसार माहिती व जनसंपर्क महासंचालनालय आणि अधिपरीक्षक, पुस्तके व प्रकाशने विभागातर्फे काटेकोर अंमलबजावणी केली जाणार आहे. सर्व प्रकाशने / वृत्तपत्रांची फेरतपासणी / फेरपडताळणी करण्यात येणार आहे.

यासाठी खालील कागदपत्रांची पूर्तता करणे आवश्यक आहे.
1) आरएनआय सर्टिफिकेट
2) सी. ए. सर्टिफिकेट (वार्षिक अहवाल)
3) आरएनआय फॉर्म - विवरणपत्र (फॉर्म ) (वार्षिक अहवाल)
4) कोर्टातील डिक्लेरेशन
5) पोस्टाचा परवाना
6) इन्कम टॅक्स फाईल/पॅन नंबर
7) डीजीआयपीआर आदेश असल्यास
8) कागद खरेदी बिले/ पेमेंट वॉवचर्स
9) प्रिंटींग ऑर्डर बिले/ पावत्या
10) वितरणासंबंधी दैनिक रिपोर्ट / आठवड्याचा रिपोर्ट
11) वितरणासंबंधी तालुका / जिल्हावार वाहतुकीची बिले / पेमेंट वॉवचर्स
12) वितरणासंबंधी तालुका / जिल्हावार ब"ेक अप
13) प्रिंटींग प्रेसचे ऑर्डर बिल / प्रिंटींग बिल
14) प्रिंटींग प्रेसचे पेमेंट वॉवचर्स / बिले
15) वितरणासंबंधी मासिक इन्कम बिले / पावत्या
16) वितरणातील रद्दीची बिले / वॉवचर्स
17) मु"य कार्यालयातील खर्च / स्टेशनरी बिले / वेतन वॉवचर्स
18) प्रिंटींग प्रेस आणि प्रकाशक यांव्यामधिल छपाईचा करारनामा
19) छपाई झालेल्या अंकांची फाईल रेकॉर्ड
20) वर्गणीदारांची यादी
21) वर्गणीदारांनी भरलेल्या रकमांची पोहच पावती
22) अधिपरीक्षकांकडे प्रकाशन नियमित जात असल्याबाबतचा दाखला
23) वर्गणीदारांना अंक पाठविल्याचा पुरावा
आदी बाबींची माहीती द्यावी लागते. शासनाची ही माहिती पुरविताना बऱ्याचदा गोंधळ ऊडतो. महाराष्ट्र शासनाबरोबरच केंद्र शासनाच्या डीएव्हीपीला सुध्दा दरवर्षी त्यांच्या विहित नमुना अर्जानुसार माहिती सादर करावी लागते. माहिती अर्ज वेळेत सादर न केल्यास सदर प्रकाशनाचे नाव शासनमान्य जाहिरातीव्या यादीवरून कमी केले जाते.
एकीकडे वृत्तपत्र क्षेत्रात होत असलेल्या एकूणच स्थित्यंतरामुळे तसेच आधुनिक माहिती-वृत्तपत्र क्षेत्रात झपाट्याने बदल होत आहेत. वृत्तपत्र कागद, शाई व इतर पुरक सामुगीच्या दरांमध्ये लक्षणीय वाढ झाली असून दिवसेंदिवस वृत्तपत्र चालविणे अगदी जिकरीचे झाले आहे. वृत्तपत्र चालविणे म्हणजे पांढरा हत्ती पोसण्यासारखे आहे. अशा परिस्थितीत वाढती स्पर्धा, कामातील दगदग, ताणतणाव आदी कारणांमुळे तसेच अनेकवेळा लोकांच्या समस्या, अडीअडचणी सोडवित असताना स्वत:ची जबाबदारी, कर्तव्ये मात्र आपण विसरून जातो. आपल्याला कर्तव्याची जाणिव असूनही आपण वेळेअभावी कधीकधी आपली कामे वेळच्या वेळी करीत नाही. त्याचा भुर्दंड सोसावा लागल्यावर मात्र आपल्याला पश्चाताप होतो, आपण ठिकाणावर येतो.
वृत्तपत्राचा दर्जा सुधारणे, फेबुवारी अखेरीस आरएनआयचे विवरणपत्र भरून सुपूर्द करणे, एप्रिल अखेरीस आरएनआयचे विवरणपत्र (फॉर्म) तसेच वार्षिक अहवाल भरून पाठविणे, शासकीय जाहिराती मिळविण्यासाठी राज्य शासनाच्या डीजीआयपीआर तसेच केंद्र शासनाच्या डीएव्हीपी या कार्यालयांशी संपर्क ठेवणे, आरएनआय कार्यालय, अधिपरिक्षक, पुस्तके व प्रकाशने यांच्याशी संपर्कात रहाणे, त्यांच्या तांत्रिक बाबी नियमितपणे पूर्ण करणे, या कामांसाठी वेळेवर योग्य निर्णय घेणारा आपल्याला हवा आहे काय?
मुंबईतील अनुभवी व प्र"यात असलेल्या राजेश्वरी मिडीया कन्सल्टन्स्‌ या संस्थेमार्फत आपणास योग्य मार्गदर्शन केले जाईल. त्यासाठी आपण इच्छूक असल्यास कृपया त्वरीत संपर्क साधा.- राजेश्वरी मिडीया कन्सल्टंट
राजेश सावंत : 09324316778 ई मेल :,,

Thursday, June 24, 2010


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Rajeshwari Media Consultant

वृत्तपत्र क्षेत्रात होत असलेल्या एकूणच स्थित्यंतरामुळे तसेच आधुनिक माहिती-वृत्तपत्र क्षेत्रात झपाट्याने बदल होत आहेत. वृत्तपत्र कागद, शाई व इतर पुरक सामुग्रीच्या दरांमध्ये लक्षणीय वाढ झाली असून दिवसेंदिवस वृत्तपत्र चालविणे अगदी जिकरीचे झाले आहे.

वृत्तपत्र चालविणे म्हणजे पांढरा हत्ती पोसण्यासारखे आहे. अशा परिस्थितीत वाढती स्पर्धा, कामातील दगदग, ताणतणाव आदी कारणांमुळे अनेकवेळा लोकांच्या समस्या, अडीअडचणी सोडवित असताना स्वत:ची जबाबदारी, कर्तव्ये मात्र आपण विसरून जातो. आपल्याला आपल्या कर्तव्याची जाणिव असूनही आपण वेळेअभावी कधीकधी आपली कामे वेळच्या वेळी न केल्याने त्याचा भुर्दंड सोसावा लागल्यावर मात्र आपण ठिकाणावर येतो.

याची काळजी घेणारा, योग्य सल्ला देणारा आपल्याला पाहिजे का?

आपल्या वृत्तपत्राची संपूर्ण तांत्रिक बाबी सांभाळणे, वृत्तपत्राचा दर्जा सुधारणे, फेब्रुवारी अखेरीस आरएनआयचे विवरणपत्र (फॉर्म II व फॉर्म IV, VIII, व फॉर्म XII ) भरून सुपूर्द करणे, एप्रिल अखेरीस आरएनआयचे विवरणपत्र (फॉर्म II ) तसेच वार्षिक अहवाल भरून पाठविणे, शासकीय जाहिराती मिळविण्यासाठी राज्य शासनाच्या डीजीआयपीआर तसेच केंद्र शासनाच्या डीएव्हीपी या कार्यालयांशी संपर्क ठेवणे, आरएनआय कार्यालय, अधिपरिक्षक, पुस्तके व पकाशने यांच्याशी संपर्कात रहाणे, त्यांच्या कायदेशीर बाबी, तांत्रिक बाबी नियमितपणे पूर्ण करणे, या कामांसाठी वेळेवर योग्य निर्णय घेणारा आपल्याला हवा आहे काय?

मुंबईतील अनुभवी व प्रख्यात असलेल्या राजेश्वरी मिडीया कन्सल्टन्स्‌ या संस्थेमार्फत आपणास योग्य मार्गदर्शन केले जाईल. त्यासाठी आपण इच्छूक असल्यास कृपया त्वरीत संपर्क साधा.

राजेश्वरी मिडीया
राजेश सावंत

मालक, मुद्रक, पकाशक, संपादक यांनी दरवर्षी प्रेस रजिस्टार, आरएनआय व डीएव्हीपी साठी खालील कागदपत्रांची पूर्तता करणे आवश्यक आहे.

आरएनआय सर्टिफिकेट
सी. ए. सर्टिफिकेट (वार्षिक अहवाल)
आरएनआय फॉर्म - विवरणपत्र (फॉर्म II) (वार्षिक अहवाल)
आरएनआय फॉर्म- (फॉर्म II व फॉर्म IV, VIII, व फॉर्म XII )
कोर्टातील डिक्लेरेशन
पोस्टाचा परवाना
इन्कम टॅक्स फाईल/पॅन नंबर
डीजीआयपीआर आदेश
कागद खरेदी बिले/पेमेंट वॉवचर्स
प्रिंटींग ऑर्डर बिले/पावत्या
वितरणासंबंधी दैनिक रिपोर्ट/ आठवड्याचा रिपोर्ट
वितरणासंबंधी तालुका/जिल्हावार वाहतुकीची बिले/पेमेंट वॉवचर्स
वितरणासंबंधी तालुका/जिल्हावार ब्रेक अप
प्रिंटींग प्रेसचे ऑर्डर बिल/प्रिंटींग बिल
प्रिंटींग प्रेसचे पेमेंट वॉवचर्स/बिले
वितरणासंबंधी मासिक इन्कम बिले/पावत्या
वितरणातील रद्दीची बिले/वॉवचर्स
मुख्य कार्यालयातील खर्च/स्टेशनरी बिले/ वेतन वॉवचर्स